Legacy Fishing Retreat
P O Box 521
Rogers, MN 55374
Contact: Rob Watlov
Call: 612-860-2727
email: robwatlov@earthlink.net
* Make your check out to "Legacy Fishing Retreat"
and MAIL it to the address above
* To donate your time or other important items
Please Call Rob Watlov at 612-860-2727
or email: robwatlov@earthlink.net . Thank You
Please Pray for the Ministry of Legacy Fishing Retreat !
Thank You for Your Prayers !
To Listen to an Interview with Rob Watlov, Founder of Legacy
Fishing Retreat go to: https://www.iwork4him.com/podcast/2018/7/go-fish
Legacy Allies:
Amplify: Jay Robinson, Reid Evenson
Brendan Brooks Ministries https://www.brendanbrooksmusic.com
CNT: Dick Nelson, Pete Scharber, Chuck Van Alstine,
Cody James Ministries https://www.codyjames.org
Deep C's: Steve Cruikshank, Vaughn Blackburn
Fellowship of Christian Sportsmen Plus
Fishing for Life: Tom Goodrich, Steve Cruikshank, Troy Sonnenfeld Todd Lindley, Russ Weybright
Force for Good / Tradition Companies: Tip Enebak
Andrew Aspenwall, Dave Runde, Mark Kaminski
Legacy Hunting Retreat https://www.legacyhuntingretreat.com
Marksman Metals: Pete Scharber, Mike Scharber
MNTC Teens Advisory Council: Jeff Jensen, Andrew Aspenwall
MNTC -Minnesota Adult & Teen Challenge- Rich Scherber https://www.mntc.org
MNTC Aftercare
Minnesota Christian Deer Hunters Association: Rom Rakow, Ed Zahn
Pike Point Resort: Bruce & Mandy Pratt http://www.pikepointresort.com
Rooted Men's Ministry: Billy Hawkins
Rushing Wind Walk on Water Ministry: Marc Jochem & Reed Mc Farlane
Web Site Info:
Minnesota Fishing Regulations